At Walkerston State School students are offered a rich variety of academic,
cultural, sporting, citizenship and social skill programs. Participation in such activities
enhances student confidence, builds resilience and develops skills such as
teamwork – all vital qualities if students are to maximise life’s
Activities include:
- Music lessons from a specialist teacher
- Musical groups - choir and recorder band
- Instrumental Band and lessons from a specialist teacher - Year 4 to Year 6
- Choral Verse Speaking
- Rock Pop Mime
- Performing Arts groups
- Eisteddfod entries
- Book Week activities and parade
- Attendances at visiting cultural performances; and local theatre performances
- NAIDOC celebrations; Cultural Days
- Optiminds
- Mathematics Competitions
- Public Speaking Competitions
- Premier's Reading Challenge participation
- Chess Club

Pioneer Valley Public Speaking Champs for 2020 & 2021
Activities can include:
- Camping trips:
- Annual out of region trip
- Annual Leadership camp
- Student Council
- Bicycle Education with PCYC
- Community Anzac Day and Remembrance Day Participation
- Conservation Volunteers Australia Partnership program
- Participation in Adopt – a – Cop program
- A mix of inter-house and inter-school activities – swimming, athletics, hockey, touch football, cricket, basketball, AFL, Cross Country, Rugby League, Rugby Union, soccer;
- Sports- specific clinics via visiting specialists